Monday, April 26, 2010


Return all things that are borrowed
Smile a lot, it costs nothing and is beyond price
Commit yourself to constant self improvement
Never plan a long evening on a blind date, a lunch is better; if things don't work out you would have only wasted an hour.

Buy great books
Never compromise your integrity
Watch for big problems, they often disguise big opportunities
Don't burn bridges; you'll be suprised how many times you may have to cross the same river.

Never go grocery shopping when you're hungry; you'll buy too much
Never criticise the person who signs your pay check
Hug children after you discipline them
Don't flaunt your success, but don't apologize for it either.

Don't be afraid to say "I need help, I don't know, I made a mistake and I'm sorry"
When you find a job that's ideal, take it regardless of pay; if you've got what it takes, your salary will soon reflect your value to the company.

Get your priorities straight; no one ever said on their death bed "If i'd only spent more time at the office"......

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