Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Today I'm going to let my hair down
I'm going to allow the wind to caress my skin
And the sunlight to hug my body
I'm going to open my arms to new experiences
And welcome them with great anticipation
I'm going to smile more.

Today I'm going to get my feet wet
I'm going to allow them to take me on new adventures
I'm going to be my opposite
I'm going to sit on the sand
And watch the waves come in
I'm going to set my spirit free.

Today I'm going to listen
Really listen to the songs that the birds sing
I'm going to climb the branches of the great oak tree
Become one with nature
I'm going to let my soul roam free.

Today I'm going to let go
I'm going to empty my mind of all ill-thoughts
Rid my heart of all ex-loves and impurities
I'm going to walk behind my shadow
So I can watch my steps
Today I'm just going to be free.

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